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Session 5: HIS Story- That Changes Eternities

Session 5: HIS Story – That Changes Eternities

This session is critical for understanding how to share the gospel.  Ultimately, it is HIS story, that changed our story, which can change their story.  

Learn how to present the Gospel as “Life’s Most Important Relationship.”  This Gospel presentation, written and developed by Ron Hutchcraft, has been used to impact countless lives for Christ.  Plus, you’ll hear from more great hope stories.

Full Length Hope Stories Featured in Session 5

Huntley - Your Hope Story


Huntley communicates his dramatic journey to Jesus, and how God has used his gifts as a musician and speaker to impact others.  

Weston - Your Hope Story


Weston, Navajo, shares his powerful hope story, and how God has used him to share Jesus with others.

Cindy - Your Hope Story

Xiaokuai  (Cindy)

Xiaokuai (Cindy) shares about growing up in a lost family in rural China, to coming to the U.S., finding Jesus, and now sharing Jesus with others.

Emma- Your Hope Story

Emma (previously featured in Sessions 1 and 2)

Emma Mae boldly shares her passion for investing in the lives of others for Jesus.  

John - Your Hope Story

John (previously featured in Sessions 1 and 2)

John shares his heart for the lost, his deep understanding of his many “tribes,” and his passion for sharing the Gospel with people everywhere.  

Going Deeper Bonus Content

You will BE my witnesses

You will BE my witnesses

Understanding our Role as a Rescuer

Is Jesus the only way to God?

Is Jesus the only way to God?

Answering the Objections

He Spent Everything He had on Me

He Spent Everything He had on Me

Ron Shares A Nellie Fox Baseball Card Story