Ron and Doug Hutchcraft

Your Hope Story is a groundbreaking video series designed to motivate and equip followers of Jesus to rescue lost people through the power of a hope story.

You Hope Story Preview

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the HOPE that you have.”  

1 Peter 3:15

Two guys talking at a coffee shop

What is a hope story?

Your story is perhaps the last best tool we have to share Jesus with people whose hearts are hard towards God.  We must know how to use our hope story to rescue lives for Jesus!

This content has been developed and taught by veteran evangelist and ministry leader, Ron Hutchcraft.  Now, along with his son, Doug, the Hutchcrafts are prepared to help believers everywhere succeed in learning the power of their hope story, and how to share it with others.

Ron says, “Wherever you are, to your dying breath, be all about Jesus and all about others knowing Him.”

Featured in this series are over 25 “hope stories” of believers of all ages, boldly sharing their heart and insights for sharing Jesus with others.

Your Hope Story has been made available by generous friends, who are excited to make this available at no charge to you and your church.  If you would like to help “pay it forward,” and allow this content to impact even more lives, you may do so here.  Thank you for helping expand this movement to impact even more lives for Jesus.

God bless you!

 "Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story." 

Psalm 107:2 NIV

Friends sitting in the grass