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Session 4: Three Stories - A Bridge to Heaven

Session 4: Three Stories – A Bridge to Heaven

There are five characteristics to an effective hope story.  Doug and Ron tackle how to share your hope story to help soften hearts to the Gospel.

Plus, more great stories from friends who model an effective telling of a hope story.

Full Length Hope Stories Featured in Session 4

Carole - Your Hope Story

Carole Jean

Carole Jean shares her dramatic story of a cancer diagnosis, and how God positioned her to reach other cancer patients through her story.

Manny - Your Hope Story


Manny shares his dramatic journey to Christ, his time in prison, and how he shares Jesus in prisons today.

Mary Lola - Your Hope Story

Mary Lola

Mary Lola, Yup’ik, shares her raw and honest hope story.  

Grant - Your Hope Story


Grant communicates an authentic journey to Christ, and his passion for impacting his generation with the Gospel.

Erwin - Your Hope Story


Erwin shares his humble beginnings with Jesus, and shares insights into how he prays and shares Jesus with lost people.