Here’s What People Are Saying

Sunset behind a cross
Your Hope Story offers true life-changing stories that will inspire your faith and give you the confidence to believe that your life matters.  We all need compelling reminders that the Gospel changes lives.  By His grace He uses people just like us to get the good news to those around us. 

Your Hope Story is not for super saints, but for ordinary people whom God will use to impact the lives of others. 
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Erwin W. Lutzer
Pastor Emeritus, Moody Church, Chicago
In 'Your Hope Story,' the pulse of God's heart for evangelism beats through every story shared, reaching out to touch the lost and the least. It's an insightful and inspiring six-part journey that equips believers to masterfully wield their most powerful evangelistic tool—their own life-changing story—to leave an indelible mark on the lives of others, for eternity.
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Desmond Henry, PhD
International Director of the Global Network of Evangelists for the Luis Palau Association
I’ve watched in wonder as Ron Hutchcraft has shared the gospel at our events.  Now, Doug and Ron have developed a resource that equips you to share your faith with others.  This tool is designed to eliminate any feelings of guilt or uncertainty, preparing you to spread the gospel message confidently!  
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David McIver
PraiseLive Radio
Author of Looking For The One
When I think about equipping the next generation to share the gospel, the Hutchrafts have a long track record of faithfully communicating Jesus — and I trust them! The Your Hope Story tool really captures a diverse group demonstrating just how easy it is to share our faith with others.
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Tom Miyashiro
Chief Evangelism Officer of Faith 2 Faith Ministries, Inc.
Your Hope Story by Doug and Ron Hutchcraft equips ordinary people with an extraordinary mission to change lives through the power of their testimony.
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Kevin Palau
President and CEO of LPA